RattleheadRP Update: All The Features

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Finally, an actual update log. Detailed here are all of the additions and changes that have been made over the course of the month and a half or so of our return. I wanted to document them so everyone could know whats going on! Some of these may not be "new" for some of you but for some peeps who haven't been on in awhile I figure this will be beneficial!

New Jobs:
City Worker Job:  You go about the city to assigned locations with your set of tools to do random jobs to keep the city looking pretty! You get various amounts of cash rather quickly, and an opportunity for map knowledge as well! Equip a weapon however because both the sewers and the contaminated area are full of zombies and creatures that want you dead!
Monkey Bandit (Level 5, Donor Bandit): You are the monkey man with monkey plans! Basically a donor bandit with an exclusive pistol as well as a rather comedic weapon called the Russian Roulette... You can literally play russian roulette with people if you want.. Its a dumb job for dumb fun! Can raid as well as commit other crimes...
Radio Host (Level 2): Currently, can only really provide vocal shows rather than music inspired ones (unless you are on gmod chromium beta version). Buy your own equipment and rp the hell outta this job!
Miner (Level 5): With the cave systems of Bangclaw, there is plenty of opportunities to sell shiny rocks. You spawn in the mines and can get right to work on collecting special rocks and selling them or crafting particular materials.
Assassin: (Level 25 Donor Hitman) The Assassin is a hitman class that specializes in the art of melee combat! He comes equipped with 2 melee weapons and also has a specialty shop for only himself somewhere in the map...
Bitminer: (Level 15 Required) A staple of darkrp! Utilizing the late Code Blues Bitminers 2 (Rest in peace my boi). Its an expensive investment to be a bitminer, but it is one that ultimately pays off and provides a decent money grind!
Master & Moonshine Distillers (Level 20 Required & Donor Required for the Master Distiller): The Moonshine Distillery is another fun (but illegal) money making activity! The difference between the two jobs is that the donor one has a weapon to start with and has access to the auto grinders to make the process much faster! Also they can be Ms. Fowl from Jimmy Neutron. Hank Hill is the normal, humble distiller.
Heavy Gun Dealer: (Level 50 Required) A heavy arms dealer that specializes in being able to sell Sniper Rifles, Machine Guns, and Shotguns! Watch out for cops!
Military Sniper: (Level 60 Required): A sniper class of military police officer that typically comes to aid in crisis or in rare cases, small time police work. 
The Joker (Level 20 & Donor Required) A classic from the past of RattleheadRP. The Joker is a donor Meth Cook job as well as a bandit of sorts. He is the clown prince of crime after all. He comes equipped with a golden Tommy Gun and a powerful Nerf Dart Gun that is more dangerous than it looks. He also has the power to be SUPER annoying which I believe is his greatest strength.

New Additions
Mayor Overhaul: The Mayor now has powers he never thought he could have! Using the F7 key, the mayor has quick access to many common police powers, as well as the ability to enforce income tax of residents in the city. The default tax rate is .002% of your total money you have in your wallet, and the only modifier that comes into play is if the mayor decides to increase the percentage of taxes (the max is 5).
Other features of this include:
-A vault where the cities taxes are dumped into. The funds can be used by the Mayor to purchase armaments, equipment or city items to keep society in check. This vault can in fact be robbed, and all local authorities will be notified if such an event begins to happen.
-The buy menu the mayor has access to will supply any other local government officials with the gear listed, but the money it costs to acquire said equipment comes out of the city budget (i.e. what it says on the vault in the PD). The mayor can also use city funds to double peoples salaries during that mayors time in office.
-Events occur where as Mayor you will need to make a decision on how to divert funds to aid the city or other causes. Your decisions will impact your economy points (the colored bar on the top right labeled tax). The lower your economy rating, the worse the economy is tax wise. Basically red=less tax money, green=more tax money. 
-The Mayor can demote law enforcement if they are being corrupt, or not acting of proper conduct on the force.
-The Mayor has the ability to either withdraw city funds (bad move), pay out money from the budget to local government officials, or supply the vault with his own money. All of these decisions will likely impact the economy rating. 
-One of the items the mayor can buy is a dumpster that is used to dispose of entities such as money printers, drugs or other illicit items. There are also road barriers he has access to.
-The Mayor will be demoted to a survivor if he is killed during his service. Watch those kill binds kids.

The reason for this overhaul was to make the Mayor have more than an RP purpose, and we think its pretty cool. Let us know what you think!

Smuggling System:
The Smuggler job is not just a spy from Team Fortress 2 surprisingly. It is a job where you first find the supplier of illicit goods (at Smugglers Den), and then once you buy them they will be placed in the back of a truck that spawns right next to Smugglers Den. From there, you must find the NPC to sell the supplies to. While its easy on paper, local law enforcement will immediately stop you if you are caught. 

Meth Cook Updated:
Zeroes Meth Lab received a much more involved sequel that we decided to add. Making Meth is a much more active, less lazily done process requiring skill checks and basically discount Simon (yes the game with the colored buttons). You have to buy a tent kit from the f4 menu and find a location (preferably inside a warehouse or something) to set it up. Then once the tent is constructed you need to buy an equipment box from the f4 menu to start filling your tent with the machinery and objects required to cook. I leave the rest to you friends! Contact me or Go-go with any questions!

Other additions:
Added an !unstuck command in case you ever get stuck anywhere or collide with anything. It does send you back to spawn though it seems.
Added a robbable police armory. Full of weapons and such but a certain amount of officers are required to be on. You must purchase the lockpicking device made for it on the f4 menu.
Added Blues ATM. With taxes now it seems more important than ever to open a checking account. 
Added various shops in Spawn and in the map for weapons and the like.
Added TFA weapons instead of our old COD ones because they were buggy as hell
Added daily missions you can complete from playing on the server! Depending on the mission difficulty you will net a little bit or even a lot of money! They change out often enough to where you can keep at em'! 
Added some Navmesh into the sewers where many of the hostile aliens of Bangclaw reside. The Zombies also have a navmesh in their area. 
Added a permanent law board outside of spawn to inform the citizens of certain illegal activities they may commit regularly....
Added a free drivable Police car for all law enforcement officials so they have an easy way to get around

Explosives weapons from Bathorians due to universal ammo being a thing. They are basically just edgy gangsters who love guns and crime now. 
Weapons Producer: The job had fit better on the older chaotic server "lore" wise, and it just seemed extra difficult just to get some heavier artillery. It just made more sense to replace him with the heavy dealer (i.e. cut out the middleman of manufacturing). 

Starting money for new players is now $10,000.
You can now only have 2 of each kind of money printer. The regular and golden printer amounts per tick have increased to aid in money making early on.
Changed the old ammo types to a single purchasable ammo type known as universal ammo. Any gun you have you will get ammo for with the power of universal ammo! It is high end, costing 1000 bucks per box!

This is all I (Comvic) can seem to find at the moment that has been drastically changed or added. Enjoy everyone!


RattleheadRP Content Update: Aggressive Expansion!

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Hey everyone! After a slow opening we are finally ready to bring you our first content update. Basically we are expanding upon what we already have and working out some kinks! Not everything is perfect so I will leave a known issue(s) section below. For now here is the aggressive part of this expansion!

Donator is now available! We do not have Prometheus pay but we are being generously given it by our community member Jake! Once we have the script and then get to setting it up we will do donations via that! For now, if you wish to donate please follow this link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_donations&business=TXG9V9GJ84C9A¤cy_code=USD&source=url&Z3JncnB0=


Farmer: Now the survivors have an alternative way of life that isn't crime, warfare, or mercenary work! Find a place to call your own and plant crops! Sell them using the buyable box, and bring them to a merchant to buy them off of you!

Allegiance Recruit: Level 8 Required. Now there is a rank in between Oiler and Soldier! As a recruit you can still oil, but you are now considered a soldier as well! Help the Allegiance against the terror of the Bathorians and level your way up to be a better rank!
Allegiance Brute: Level 80 Required: An extremely hard to kill tank class for the allegiance. Standing above all other ranks other than leader, the tank packs all sorts of heat, but is very difficult to work toward. You are considered a legend among your colleagues.
Allegiance Spy (Donor Job): A covert agent of the allegiance that specializes in lockpicking and silent weaponry. The Allegiance spy is the only Allegiance member with a lockpick, and can lead a whole different type of mission with the allegiance if one happens to be one. 

Bathorian Brother: Level 10 Required. The new entry level position for the Bathorians. You are a mere follower and must level your way to a weapon producer. From there your respect among the chaotic group should climb high enough to be a proper soldier. 
Bathorian Warlord: Level 80 Required: The equivalent of the Allegiance Brute... Except the fact that Bathorian Warlords have trained themselves in combat since the age of 2. They are brutal, yet methodical. They are guaranteed the best front line troop while maintaining leadership. They are known to scorch settlements within minutes. 
Bathorian Psycho (Donor Job): A literal suicide bomber. The Bathorian's do not usually have psycho's, but when they dude, results are devastating. The Psycho is a suicide bomber, and they don't care where they explode, so long as destruction and death go with them.

Donor: You must donate $5 a month to maintain a donor rank. If you pay once you will only have donor for that one month. The server is somewhat costly to run per month, so any help is good help. The perks are not extremely large at the moment, but we will be expanding further as we go. Here is what we have to offer for now:

Donor Job access
$100,000 added to your wallet.
Get boosted 5 levels from whatever you currently are

Donor features coming soon:
One permanent weapon no matter what job you are
More donor jobs
Donor Shop at spawn
And more...!

Moderator Applications are now open for placing! We are definitely going to need the bit of staff, so I will update the application guidelines. Please view the application guidelines here: https://rattleheadroleplay.mistforums.com/thread/guidelines-for-applicants-36436
New Additions:
Tyrant Boss Fight Event! A new NPC from Resident Evil has been added... The Tyrant! The Tyrant is extremely dangerous and certainly could not maintain a normal presence in the wasteland. A special arena will be utilized for fighting him, and boss events with him will be hosted on Friday nights! These dates may change depending on staff schedules (i.e. Go-Go and I), but hopefully this will be fun for you guys! We will also use other npcs from time to time....
The Gene Worm Infection Boss Fight!: A particularly ugly race X creature will now appear from time to time (and will be announced). Where? Well thats for you to find! If this creature is spawned admin monitoring of its status/who is fighting it will be kept aware of that way proper rewards can be distributed! This one is a random boss event rather than a scheduled one.
The Nightmare's. The Nightmare is a new NPC added to various locales in the map. They are a new resident to the wasteland after wiping out the glowing zombie populous. They are extremely dangerous and you must be well equipped to fight them. 
Buyable Emplacement Turret: For a large fee, you can buy yourself a turret to defend a base you are at! This is good to stop large scale skirmishes if you are involved in faction warfare!
Guitar Shop at spawn: Now you can purchase a playable guitar at spawn! Play some fantastic music from various games and franchises!
Lootable Containers: Lootable containers were added once before, but not implemented properly. Now, they are! Go find some extra loot as a reward for your exploration! Careful however, loot is heavily guarded usually!

Switched Soldier enemies from the Allegiance compound to the Bathorian compound (to emulate that those are allegiance occupying the Bathorians). The enemies at the Allegiance compound are now.... nightmarish.... 
Made it so corpses from VJ base enemies fade. They used to stay on the map causing performance issues. 
Changed the following job level requirements:
-Allegiance Soldier now has a level 30 requirement
-Allegiance Oiler now has a level 5 requirement
-Allegiance Leader now has a level 50 requirement
-Bathorian Soldier now has a level 30 requirement
-Bathorian Weapon Producer now has a level 13 requirement
-Bathorian Harbinger now has a level 50 requirement
Weapons have been provided to the soldier classes that were previously not around (i.e. SMG's for the soldiers rather than just a pistol).
Updated certain more difficult NPCs to have drop chances of weapons

Removed: Flesh Zombie NPCs (Orange fast zombies, or the zombies in the graveyard)
Kidnap Swep: This one had some issues with it, those being players losing weapons upon being kidnapped, and the spamability of it at spawn.

Known Issue(s):
-Cannot move the weapon crafting table with a physgun or gravity gun
-Occasional lua error regarding COD weapons

*If theres any issues I missed here please let me know.

That is all for now! Enjoy the update! It will be quite awhile until another content update! 

Patch 1: All Gun's Blazing

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Hey all, time for our first update! Here are da notes:

Weapon Overhaul: After some time with the STALKER weapons I felt (and some others) that they were not the best. After some thinking especially with the "quality" of high tier weapons for the weapon manufacturer, I wanted to add guns that would be worth while. So I added a COD 4 weapons pack that I been using on and off for my own single player shenanigans for the last little while. They seem to work fine and crafting recipes agree with them. These guns have new recipes and are hopefully scaled to your guys liking. Now getting a gun will feel a little more worth while.... give em' a shot! RIP Binocular salesmen though, that was sadly part of the old pack. Lets see what we think of this after a month! 


Call of Duty 4 Weapons Pack overhaul!
The Jalopy Muscle Car to the Car Dealer!
Buyable Vehicle Repair Tool via the F4 menu!
Inventory Banks in various parts of the map! Store your inventory items that you don't need in one of the select locations!
XP Scaling with NPCs! Now experience points you earned will be based upon the health of the enemy you killed! Leaving those bigger targets vulnerable to some juicy bullets....
Added a party system! Just type !party to create a party/manage your party!
Added a Kidnap SWEP to the Bandit & Prophets of Kermit jobs. Making these jobs a lot scarier in the process. Run. 

All members of the Allegiance can drill for oil AND all members of the Bathorians can create weapons. This was due to the fact that as things stood, there was no discernable benefit to the other jobs aside from spawning in with a gun. So we figure now for incentive purposes and money making for those higher-up jobs, we make "money making" more plausible! Adds a new desire to level up, we'll see how this one goes!

Weapon Producer Scaling: After adding the new guns some proper (hopefully) scaling was able to be done. The list starts at the lowest price/resource sync, going all the way to the most expensive costing the most materials. The profitability may be a bit debatable so sell prices will be adjusted as players point them out. 

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where oil would float around (Thanks Jake!)

STALKER Call of Pripyat weapons pack.
A few NPCs from the map (which caused some major server lag)

Known Issues:
Weapon Crafting Table cannot be picked up. I tested the normal one and it can, but not the weapon one. For now I am still searching for the fix sorry about that guys!

Thats all, enjoy! Stay tuned for the next update! I may have forgotten some stuff but I am in a rush, have a good one!

Welcome! Here's a tutorial if you need it!

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Welcome to RattleheadRP! We just opened up our server and we are pleased to have you with us! Now, enough of the sappy shit, you are here for a little craziness. Me and my Co-owner Go-Go-Rilla are about two things: fun gameplay and some chaos ensuing. So we found a way to make both!

Welcome to the Kermit Wastes. Your new home. In order to survive in this land you will have to do many things, and you will struggle. However, I will provide you a guide below to help get you started.

How to get a job:
You must venture into the wastes and find a purpose via the few NPCs that have text labeling what organization or profession they fall with. However, most of these jobs have level caps on them. 
To get XP, kill monsters. Sounds simple right? Well our lord and savior Kermit has prepared some of the most vile and violent creatures imaginable, so be ready for a real fight. 

You may notice that monsters drop materials. The materials monsters drop can be used to craft medical supplies and armor using a workbench from the f4 menu. They can also be used with a weapon workbench to make guns and ammo! These will be necessities if you want to find a place to call your own and survive.

You can purchase workbenches, security measures for basing, money printers for purchases, and XP books for experience points through the F4 menu. There is also a car dealer for some rather expensive but useful vehicles. 
Finally, spawn is considered a neutral zone. Blood shed within spawn that is not accidental will result in an extended time out in Bitch Baby Jail.

I am sure you wish to know the jobs you can find in the wasteland, so here they are!

Mercenary: Level 5 Required. The closest thing to law enforcement here. You can be paid to take out people via the hitman system we have, or individuals can pay you for whatever services they require. Up to you...
Bandit: Level 7 Required. You are true scum. Whether its money or lives, you are stealing from someone. You enjoy the gains and making weaklings squirm.

Faction- The Allegiance: A group of individuals bent on bringing back the old ways of the world, looking to unify the Kermit Waste's. Despite wanting peace, the Allegiance has been battling the Bathorians for quite some time and there does not seem to be a resolution in sight. 
Allegiance Oiler: Level 3 Required. A worker for the Allegiance. Oil is valued high and capitalistic tendencies is the Allegiance's MO whether they admit it or not. Become a cog in their machine and sell to their few merchants amidst the wastes and profit a bit yourself. 
Allegiance Soldier: Level 10 Required. Join the front lines against the mutant creatures and Bathorian's.
Allegiance Leader: Level 20 Required: Become one of the many leaders that the Allegiance has had and push for your beliefs.... by any means necessary...

Faction- The Bathorian's: A group of anarchists hell bent on bringing forth chaos and hellfire. The Bathorian's will not stop until they have made the waste's uninhabitable for anyone. They throw their lives away trying to go against the natural order of things, with many even defecting from them in spite of the mass losses of life. The Bathorian's central target is the Allegiance considering they are the only ones with a significant foothold on the Kermit Wastes. 
Bathorian Weapon Producer: Level 10 Required. The cog in the machine for the Bathorian's. This is a heavy weapons producer, capable of making extremely dangerous weapons using tools from the f4 menu given enough time and money. However, most Bathorian workers either give up or defect from the Bathorian's and aid the Allegiance with their skills. 
Bathorian Soldier: Level 15 Required. "A legion of suicidal maniacs" is what past Allegiance soldiers cited Bathorian soldiers as. They act and dress like Barbarians, and make sure to cause as much destruction as possible. However it is rather difficult since most people can spot a Bathorian from afar and will often either stray away or kill on sight.
The Harbinger: Level 30 Required. The true leader and ultimate "harbinger" of destruction. There can only be one who is a harbinger, and they are the fiercest and most dangerous member of the wasteland. Tread lightly. 

Faction: Prophets of Kermit (Cult)
Prophet of Kermit: Level 5 Required. Become a follower of the oddest religion of the wastes. No one truly believes a Godly frog is responsible for the situation everyone is in, but its time you push the agenda down peoples throats. Whether it be by force or not is up to you.
Priest of Kermit: Level 35 Required. If you become the priest, the prophecy is true. Kermit has returned, and you are his physical form. Go make people believe... God....

RattleheadRP: The Southside Update!

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With a happy heart, I am pleased to present you RattleheadRP (for where we want it to be)

We finally got onto the map rp_Southside after finding the map in an odd file path. (Thanks Damon :) )
Anyway, welcome to the new map, we are here to stay and you voted to be here! 


Map: Rp_Southside_Day
New jobs:
 -Genetic Researcher: Become a researcher of viruses/diseases that spread throughout the city! You can either sell a cure or become the virus creator yourself! Really cool mod!
 -Nightclub Manager: With the nightclub on this map, we present to you a job with it! Build your own nightclub to make some good cash and make it even more lively!
 -Hotel Manager: Manage one of the two hotels in the city! A pure RP job!
 -Vault Guard: Guard of the bank vault! We added him for a reason.. counts a police class
 -New Donor Job "The Sanitation Police"- A reference to the old days of CS:GO rp, I made a Sanitation Police meme and I want to add it in homage. This job counts as both a police officer AND a trash man! A fun VIP job with some nostalgia on my end (Comvic)
New additions:
Doctor has a purpose! He can now make medications and sell them! 
pVault: A true bank robbery vault system! You can now rob a much nicer looking vault with higher quality and rewards. Careful though, the vault guards will be watching ;)
New Police Armory: We are keeping the old weapon lockers, but also we have added a new armory to steal from! You have to buy a separate lockpick from the buy menu from thief/robbing classes!
Virus mechanic: the genetic researcher job comes packaged with it, the chance to get very sick. It adds a new danger element to the server for sure. However we tried to tone down some options as best we could. The sewers have hotspots for viruses as of now, so does the ocean. Careful treasure hunters!

Miner job
Farmer Job
 -There is nowhere to put these guys. A sacrifice we had to make unfortunately

Current issue that is out of our control: The sit down anywhere script got removed for some reason off the workshop. Someone made a reupload which we are using for now. You cannot sit on the ground sadly, but the rest of the script works fine.

Finally, everything else has remained the same. You all have your money and such and weapons. All the other jobs have remained the same, the biggest challenge is getting to know the map. Anyways, lemme know if you have any questions and I can't wait to see where this map could take us.


p,s, Sirenhead ;)

RattleheadRp Has Rebranded(again)

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Yes here we are. Back in Darkrp. The reason we finally shut the door on zombies was because the Rp in our server was being taken over by mindless NPCs. So we decided we wanted to move on to actual RP and job related endeavors. As a result we have made several additions and upgrades to the server!

New additions/Jobs
Bitminers: Thats right, we are with the times. As pretty much any class, you can set up a bitcoin operation! Make some decent cash with this as any job, but inform us on balancing because we are still trying to figure that out
zMeth: We have said a fond farewell to the EML script due to its archaic nature. Now we have a much more advanced script known as zMeth! Become literal Walter White now instead of a hobo chef!
Moonshine Distiller: Make your own booze for selling or for the wider public! Ayyy lad lets get drunk!
Trash Man: Become the inner sanitation demon you are, and clean the streets of trash! You can recycle or burn the trash for cash!
Lawnmower Man: There are plenty of houses with overgrown grass! Mow lawns and sell the grass! 
Pizza Maker: Cook pizzas either for an NPC crowd for money, OR for residents of the city!
Arcade dude: Run a shop with a coin arcade machine and make people off of peoples gambling addiction!
Stock Broker: We have added a Stock broker job! Using real life stocks, you can invest how you want to make some potential money! This comes packed with a buyable interface to manage your stocks AND a live feed of real life stocks. Bare in mind, stock opening and closing times apply.

New map: rp_downtown_tits_v2: yup we have stooped to this map. We have tried our damndest to find a proper map, but it seems the OG overused map is the move for how we do our server. Most of our player philosophy is "its not about where it is, its about who you experience it with"
Call 911! We added a /911 command for whenever a cop is online if you are in trouble or something is on fire! Officers have also been given a fire extinguisher if the hose does not do the trick.

We added more simfphys vehicles, but got rid of Mad Max ones. So if you need to be compensated let us know. 
The only rules that will change is that adverts WILL be required for all activities again. This is because of the sheer size of the map.

Other than that, mostly everything is remaining the same with a few things taken off such as the mobsters. Their playermodels have been moved to the thief class. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

Rattlehead Rp Reopening Update Part 2 (last update for a little while)

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Okay I promise I am done adding crap. 

Today I bring you the survivor update!

To start, we have quite the heap of jobs! 

Class: Citizen

*note this job cannot raid or anything similar 

The new default starting class is a survivor! Start out with a USP rather than defenseless! We are saying goodbye to the default citizen we have had for so long, because while it served its purpose, we'd rather fit the starter class thematically. Plus you can actually do something and not be helpless! 


*note all of these jobs can kill on sight just as they can be killed on sight

We have brought back zombie jobs with boss fight zeds!
Intelligent Zombie Update: The intelligent zombie has received another SWEP that allows it to be a more conventional zombie if it so chooses. Otherwise, he is probably the least zombie of the zombies now.
Fast Zombie: With increased speed, this fast boi is a force to be reckoned with! Crouch and attack to leap!
Bloated Zombie: A fat, slow zombie variant who is a bit tankier. Requires some strategy though.
Ghoul: A slower, normal zombie type but be careful. He looks like a hobo....
Basher Zombie: With increased health and speed, become a powerhouse of a zombie the yields a chunk of metal as a weapon! Very high damage normal zombie variant
Stalker Zombie: An invisible zombie that can prove to be hard to find and extremely dangerous. However, they only have 90 health so there are cases where they can indeed be one shot.
Fire Zombie: A zombie variant that causes fire to erupt when they hit a player. Very dangerous and CAN CAUSE building fires.

BOSSES: Zombie boss jobs have immediate demotion upon death, to make them seem a bit more "eventy"
Fleshpound: Based on the killing floor npcs, the fleshpound is a nasty customer who can not only deal massive damage, but also be enraged the more damage it takes allowing it to run about or even escape.
The Tickle Monster: The tickle monster is the super fast zombie boss basically. The zombie runs at incredibly high speeds, but  has the lowest boss health pool, sitting at 650. 
The Butcher: A tanky but slow boss with 1450 health and a meat hook. You don't wanna be hit by the butcher
Nightmare: The boss with crazy speed and crazy health sitting at a staggering 2000 health. A true nightmare to be sure.

Other additions:
Added Mad Max Vehicles for purchase. Cheaper, cooler looking vehicle options
Added a buyable military vehicle with mounted gun for all jobs, but its expensive so happy grinding!
Added a couple of super cars for donators
Added hitmarkers cause... well why tf not?
Added killing floor SNPCS for boss related events and such
Weapon and ammo vending machines have been added to the police station for convenience.
Lootables have been replaced on the map because of some prior mistakes.

Aside from the occasional bug fix, this is how things will stay for awhile! Thank you all!

Rattlehead Rp Day 1 Patch

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Hey all! So we had a generous amount of players login to RattleheadRp and we found some issues that needed to be addressed!

Nerfed the Arsonist- So like, people who played him spammed spawn with molotovs to the point where the server lagged. It became an annoyance to the point where we had to remove the weapon from him. The Arsonist, for now, can pour gas and light it on fire with a match. We will further discuss the arsonist to see where he falls down the line, but for now, this pretty useless class can still make FIRE!

Removed the pointshop: The pointshop has been buggy since day 1. People crashed often, and the "pet" that was an explosive barrel explodes WITH fire upon death leading to potential server lag. We removed the shop because not only it causes problems but honestly we don't think anyone truly cares about these silly, dated meme cosmetics.

Gave all Civil Protection jobs the infinite water hose swep so IF a fire is bad they can put it out without worrying about running out of water. 
Fixed a bug where players could pick up investigatable treasure with their pocket
Removed pipe bombs from craftable and buyable weapons because they drop from zombies anyway and do not work for users. If you need an in game refund, let staff know. 
Removed the drivable couch from craftable items. Even IF you put the time into crafting it, it would not be yours forever. We instead meme'd it into donor vehicles. You are welcome. 
Comvic (me) made some mistakes with the lootable containers so he has (hopefully) readded them to fix any issues since the mod maker did not make a delete button. 

It is, with a heavy heart, that we remove the slappers. While they are funny, we have found that they are quite abusive in most situations, and determining whether self defense is okay, is a bit too difficult for the time being. We apologize in advance. 
In light of many issues we stumbled on, we have compensated.

Killing floor npcs! (bosses): We love Siren Head, sure, but we need more bosses! So, we did just that, added more bosses from Killing Floor. Events will be held whenever we got some good player numbers!
More vehicles: Based on requests, and personal opinion, we added a couple more cars. If you donate, there are now 2 slick cars available to purchase! Thank you for the support!
New Job: Gate Guard! A job specifically designed for guarding the spawn gate. This is a civilian job so there is not too much to this job other than murdering zombies!

Other than that, thats all we have for now, and we will try to fix issues within the server as they come about! Thank you everyone for the support!

-The RattleheadRP Staff team

RattlheadRP Reopening Update!

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We bring you Rattlehead ZombieRp once again! 4th time is the charm right? Well in celebration of our opening we ALREADY have an update. However we will not be adding updates nearly as frequent as we used to because we want the server to simmer in its features. If you would like to refresh yourself on the jobs of this server, please refer to our rules where we have job roles toward the bottom!
Heres the new content:

Biker & Biker Boss: A new gang type that has access to motorcycles! Meant mostly for roleplaying purposes, and you get a free motorcycle to use since it is literally your job. These jobs can raid, mug, carjack, rob atm's and bank raid.

Treasure Hunter: With a wasteland, looting is essential. Play as the treasure hunter job to investigate some treasure scattered across the map. Lots of old timey guns and money to loot so get out there! This job is civilian classed, therefore there is no raiding, picklocking, breaking and entering etc.

An Officer (Corrupt Cop): Play as a totally non suspicious corrupt police officer. This is in fact a raid, mug, carjack etc. type of job, but you can unarrest, use a stun baton, and check for weapons on an individual. You also have access to the police vehicle and weapon database, allowing the purchase of police firearms and cars. 

Guitarist: Feel like entertaining people? Try out the guitarist class today, and maybe even collect some tips along the way! This is a civilian class, so civilian rules apply.

Arsonist: This job is about fire, fire and more fire. You get paid fuck all, you cannot raid or anything similar, and you can be killed on sight by any and all classes. You were designed to set fires. This is purely for those who want to get some entertainment, but prepare to die... A LOT.
New additions:
Lootable dumpsters and other props: With the treasure hunter being a part of this update, we wanted to give some of our other residents some looting opportunity, so we have added various objects that are universally lootable to the map. They could drop health kits, ammo, armor or even guns! They have cooldowns so don't get to excited about camping a dumpster. 

Air drop: Every once in awhile (with at least 2 users on the server) an airplane will fly through the wasteland dropping a loot box. You can recieve various weapons or even money from this drop, with some really high tier rare ones as well. However, looting this box is not that simple. You have to find it first, and if a player beats you to it, you may have to kill them. So pretty much every man for themselves and you need to defend the turf the crate is on. Good luck survivors!

vFire: Ya like fire? So do we, cause we added the vFire mod which overhauls fires that can get rather intense! Fires can get set from exploding vehicles, destroyed money printers, and other various things. 

Pointshop has been added for any of your cosmetic related desires! It has some dated memes and crap but there are pets and other things that are less dated so just keep playing and you can rack up some points! Type !shop to take a gander!

Other additions:
Every Civil Protection job has received a stun gun, for making detaining a bit easier. But it takes a bit to aim the thing so keep that in mind.
The Stripper works!... kinda? Kiss swep was added to the stripper to give those simps what they want.
Added a REALLY annoying clown swep from Garfield to the Joker further solidifying that it requires money to fully annoy the RattleheadRp staff.
Added 2 donor vehicles: Drivable Couch & Mobility Scooter
Removed craftable drivable couch: even IF you put the effort in to making it, you would not be able to keep it. 
Changed the playermodel's of the Doctor and the Vape Store Owner. (Doctor is Doofensmirtz from Phineas and Ferb & the Vape Store owner is the legend Ethan Kline).
simfphys vehicles can now be customized through the context menu. If this is abused somehow, it will be promptly removed. 
Fixed Bloods and Crips tab menu jobs not being red & blue respectively

Thats all for the next little while! We are gonna try and establish a player base and hopefully make some more great memories in our community! Welcome back! We missed this!

RattleheadRP's Return.

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Hey everyone! Me, Go-Go-Rilla, and Stephan are back to bring you some more RattleheadRP! Me and Go-Go spent some time on other RP servers and the magic that we had on this server was just never there. So we finally said fuck it, and the server reemerged 1 day later. We are still getting some balancing and other various things in order. The official reopening will be announced. 

That prior announcement is extremely not how I feel about RP anymore (Vic speaking). I honestly cannot believe I thought Sandbox was a better choice, and its a regret thats for sure. We'll see how long we can hold out, but we are at least going to try. 

Stay tuned for our official opening!

-Vic, Go-Go, & Stephan

We are done with RP, and we are living out our remaining days in Sandbox

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Due to a lack of funds, interest, and literally life itself, a server is just something we cannot manage anymore. The whole project came outta nowhere when we were requested to help make another server. However, with some disagreements we split off and here we were with rattleheadrp all over again. Great stuff. However, sitting and waiting for players to show up, and having a vacant server constantly is no way to be. We haven't been on because we got bored. Trying to play by "rules" and a structure is hard to do when you have noclip, and creativity. I feel as if the core problem with RP itself is the fact that there is rules. We could just as easily have the same shit happening in sandbox as we would in the RP server. Rp to me was supposed to be what the title suggested, roleplaying. However, if there should be any rules in RP it should be laws for example. Roleplaying by a forum posts rules seems pretty lame if you ask me. In other words, we are done for real this time, in terms of RP. I (Vic) will be backing up what we had just in case (cause you know us and our record by now), but the only version of us you will see return will either be in the form of Sandbox/Prophunt Gmod, or TF2 stuff. If neither, then nothing. I appreciate all that stuck out this journey together, thank you all.Plenty of excellent, fond and hilarious memories have been made. Its time we all move on though. 

The Official Welcome Back Update!/GANG UPDATE!

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Hey everyone! I know this is like the 20th time we have kickstarted this server, but we have and that's that. We are happy to be back and we immensely appreciate the patience you have given us over the years. Never meant to be wishy washy, but we were admittedly not the best with consistency for various reasons. Apologies on that front...

All shit aside its time to tell you about a nifty update!

The Gang Update! (And donor shit too...)
Several new gangs have arrived to rp_bangclaw!

Bloods VS. Crips!!
Blood Leader
Crip Leader
While its cliche, we added these two gangs. They can raid, rob the bank/atms/armory/carjack, and can rdm they opposing gang. Bloods can kill Crips, Crips can kill Bloods. EZ!

Italian Gangsters have taken Refuge!
Italian Gangster
Italian Gangster Leader
We needed some greasy italian men to fit themselves into our server! They can raid, rob the bank/atms/armory and carjack.

The Mexican Cartel drugs you nicely!
Mexican Cartel Soldier
Mexican Cartel Leader
Mexican Cartel Drug Dealer
A nice cartel moved into town. The dealer can sell drugs through the entities menu, and the rest of the jobs can raid, rob the bank/atms/armory and carjack.

The extra jobs we added were:
Weed Salesmen: Grow and sell some of that grade A pot to a dealer at spawn labeled "Drug Dealer."  (This job adds a new element of gameplay, a weed system!)
Cowboy Desperatos! A cowboy job made mainly for the sake of rp (like every job lol), but it'll make for some neat ventures. They are not the good type of cowboy, so raids, robbing of the bank/atms/armory and carjacking are okay!

Now the part where you sigh... donor is now a thing.. however... WE ADDED SOME RAD JOBS MY DUDE! 

Spiderman: Donor cop job where you get an awesome spiderman swep and the rulings of a cop!
Batman: Get your baterangs and your batclaw ready for some crime fighting! Also a donor cop job!
The Joker: The vigilante himself! He is a raider and meth dealer job. Raids, robbery of the bank/atm's/armory and carjacking are permitted. 
???: An unknown masked man. Raider class with a few nice additions. He may lead to something later....
Super Mecha Neo-Nazi: The Neo-Nazis have achieved a higher technical power! This monster is essentially a juggernaut! Functions under the same rulings as a nazi job(may need some balancing we'll see). 
Roid Zombie (fleshpounder): Get the ability to play as a fleshpounder from KF2! Granted you can essentially only play as the zombie since you have no other weapons on your person upon spawning. This job is purely that of a zombie boss job. 
Doom Guy!: Use retro doom weapons and a trusty flame thrower to fend off the undead scurge! This job falls under the same category as the zombie cleanser. This is to ensure we don't have some dipshit with an arsenal raiding people. 

That's it on jobs, now here are a few new features that are being *officially* added!
City Takeover! A new advert where you do /advert takeover as one of the gangs. As long as there is a leader of your group who calls it, it'll go through. Other gangs/groups can counter you, and if your leader dies to a cop or countering gang member, their takeover is finished. If a rival gang kills the current takeover gang, they get the takeover. Make sure you advert that in the chat. The takeover could make the city turn into a gang war with enough people and the only way to stop takeovers would be for the police to take out the current gang taking over. If that happens, there is a 15 minute cooldown to slow down on chaos.
Updated Williams Car Dealer to the latest version which is far more user friendly!
Added a police radio to talk among players from far distances! Many of the gang/police jobs received this weapon!
Donations are a thing. 12 dollars gets you perma donator, and 10 million dollars. 10 dollars just gives you perma donator. 
Changed the Nazi Spawn to ensure no spawn killing. The same has been done for bloods and crips. 

With that said, there isn't much else to add. This update will be interesting to play with. Either way, I'll see you guys out there! -Vic

Rattlehead RP: The SkinRP update!

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Hey everyone, this update was literally conceived today! Go-go and I have discussed the how the server was great because it had fun and silly RP type of antics. We wanted some wacky, meme playermodels. Instead of going nuts for jobs, we added reskins to the existing jobs to add some more depth and scenarios to ensure a good time. HOWEVER we did put two jobs back that we used to have just for you guys!

Readded jobs:
Vape Store Owner: Sell vapes to the lovely patrons of the server mon! (Skin is a Rasta dude)
Stripper: Make love. Make Sex. Make Profit.- Dead or alive jiggle physics girl, and the "strongman" ;)

Existing job skins:
Gun Dealer: Homer Simpson
Hitman: Carl Weezer 
Oiler: Boomhauer
Zombie Cleanser: Dale Gribble 
Miner: Smashing Alyx
The Enigma: Anonymous Hacker Dude(Editable), Chicken suit man
Thief: Kermit The Frog
Thief Leader: Hawaiian Kermit The Frog, and Hhgreg guy
Meth Dealer: Vsauce Michael, Hank Hill
Pedophile: Creepy Crocodile Thing....
Neo-Nazi Officer: Elmo
Neo-Nazi Lt.: Grover
Neo-Nazi Heavy Gunner: Hugh Neutron
The New President: George W. Bush
Police Officer: Joe Swanson
SWAT General: Bob Ross
SWAT Sniper: Bill Dautrive

Thats all the skins/jobs! Hope you all enjoy this neat little update. We are doing because.. well... we are dipshits :P HAVE FUN!

Rattlehead RP Quick Fix Update 2

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Another quick little update to take with you!
Got a new anti prop kill/surf/push mod which is far more subtle. Yeah you can still send shit flying, but it won't damage players. You cannot surf either. You also cannot push. While yes that is indicated in the rules, its good to have it on text.
Fixed not being able to return cars from anywhere. Now if your car gets stolen you can retrieve it. Its definitely an issue some people are on the fence about but we want fun and if not having a car is not fun then we will sure as hell fix it
Increased shipment/weapon prices for all Machine Guns, Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles and Shotguns. Money is relatively easy if given some time, and the weapons need to have some value to them, rather than owning a million machine guns. It makes armory raids especially valuable.
With this new anti prop kill, zombies cannot be run over. Heres the good things: No frame loss (cause that happens when they are run over). The bad things are that you won't get easy money for running them over. Okay, well if I re-enable cars to not ghost, we suffer the consequence of being able run over players. I will make a poll if this issue decides to become a matter of debate.

New rules(its more like rules that SHOULD have been written but were not. I take responsibility -Vic)
You must wait 5 minutes after raping someone to rape ANYONE or ANYTHING again
Armory and Bank raid timers are one in the same. You have a ten minute cooldown at all times. You can only raid the vault and the armory if there is more than one person with you. If one fails, they cannot come back because they failed. If the other is still alive he carries out what he was doing before. If he dies, both must wait 10 minutes.
After car jacking a persons car you must wait before carjacking SOMEONE ELSE. If you wish to carjack the same person, you must wait 10 minutes (this is of course, if you fail)
During purge, please make as many attempts to leave the safe zone as you can. We don't need spawn camping. Read the next rule to understand how passionate we are about this subject
Police and Nazi KOS rules: While in most cases Police can kill Nazis on sight and Nazis can kill cops on sight, it should be established that consistent spawn camping is ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED. 

This is all for now, talk to me, Go-Go, or Crying Man about questions and other future rules and fixes!


Rattlehead RP Quick Fix update

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Hey all, some users have pointed out a couple things in need of fixing, so I went ahead and took care of it!

Exploit where you could drop weapons you spawn with and store them. Now you are not allowed to drop weapons you spawned with, only ones you purchase/obtain.
The survivor job being paid only $120. Now the survivor gets $1400.
Updated Mining Vendor to take raw materials for more money. This way mining is not in vain.

Side note: I tried to use the tool for passenger seats on a TDM car and it appears to be.. broken. Unfortunately, we will need to stick with the sit down anywhere script for now, but until something far more optimized comes out, stay tuned!

Either way folks, the server is up so go join it and have a great day :3

Rattlehead RP: Update 1

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The first update on the server! This update both adds new features and fixes some annoying issues within the server. Lets talk about additions:

Miner job/Simple Mining System Script: Around the map there are plenty of rocks to be smashed with a pickaxe! Pick up a pickaxe today AS THIS JOB ONLY, AND MAKE SOME CASH AND CRAFT SOME ITEMS! Can you craft a nuclear detonation pack? If you think so, you'll be with us until you are dead.
Added the purge! Due to the itchy trigger fingers many folks have, the purge has been readded to rattleheadrp. However, the time limit until the purge has increased to 99 minutes. Its 99 minutes til a 12 minute purge, so it does not happen NEARLY as often.
Added additional buildings and set pieces around the map to give it some more depth, see if you can find some neat basing locations

Fixed being able to purchase money printers as a Government job. That crap is illegal man!
Fixed needing to be handcuffed for an arrest. The handcuffs are moreso for show since in reality, it is hard to cuff a moving target.
Fixed some "Scum" jobs that did not come with lockpicks even thought they could clearly raid
Fixed the thief leader having 3 slots instead of 1. Now there CAN ONLY BE ONE!
Fixed the hit cost for the hitman. Instead of a cheap 200 dollars for a hit, it now costs $20,000. 
Removed the slappers due to possible prop killing with certain entities, the ability to smack zombies miles away, and generally being more annoying than funny.
Removed the Spas-12, USAS, and Striker-12 from the weapon shipments. They are just too powerful.
Increased the price of the Double Barrel Shotgun, and the Pancer Jackhammer. 
Changed the quantity and placement of zombies. There are less fast ones, but plenty of slow/panic ones. 

More rules are to be added after this update, and an announcement will come out when these changes are set in stone on the board. We hope that you are enjoying your time here, lets make it more enjoyable! -Vic

This update launches on January 3rd*

Welcome back to Rattlehead Zombie RP!

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Welcome back to Rattlehead Zombie RP!

I hope you are all as excited as I am for this day! We are finally ready to get things kicked off,
but first lemme go over what this server is about.

This server is a player oriented roleplaying server that is set in the zombie apocalypse. The setting entails
the unspoken war for what the new post apocalyptic world should be. As a result, order is odd. This is the midst
of the quirkiest and messed up moments on the planet. Thats at least a TL:DR of some type of story. The true
idea here is to not just farm resources and blandly "play" your job. The goal here is to interact with others, 
and make the world come to life. Having fun is the main goal, and if you want to be psychotic doctor rather than
a regular one. The message we are conveying is that failrp could only happen if you were an rdming dickwad. 
We don't want either of those, let alone both at the same time. We wish to entertain and not be super serious
like the real damn world is. We encourage interaction, roleplaying, and above all, fun. We want to see YOU have
fun, and call us on our bs if it is truly bs. We wanna be good people to the people, thats the goal. POINT IS 
KIDS! COME ON IN AND LETS BUILD SOMETHING GREAT! Thank you for joining us! Now les go do some shittttt

Here are the features starting with the jobs list:
Citizen(don't play as this, its so bare bones, press f4 for a job pls.)
Gun Dealer: Deal guns to the people, what else you need?
Oiler: Drills for oil and sells to oil buyer. Definitely a good, legal money maker.
Farmer: You can grow food from trees, or even money. You are an advanced farmer who is out to make money and provide for the land!
Radio Host: You are here to broadcast your emotions and "music" to the world. This is definitely one to have fun with, microphone and radio are on the f4 menu buddy!
Hitman: A neutral type of job where you accept hits from people and execute them. Literally execute them...
Survivor: A step up from citizen. You roam the land making sure your survival is good to go. Even if you need to use that trusty lockpick once in awhile...
Survivor Medic: You are a healer. You can take cash, or be a nice guy. You can heal, and revive people if given the chance
Zombie Cleanser: You are equipped with a flamethrower, and you have made your purpose. You cleanse the undead as much as possible. Make it quick and brutal!

The New President: You are the path to salvation Mr. Trump. You do what you can to make sure the laws of democracy stay in tact and make sure your cops are doing well!
Police Officer: You are a common police officer who makes sure law is in order! 
The President's Secretary: You are a personal right hand man, and a guard, AND a secretary. You are the presidents most trusted ally.
Police Chief: In charge of the Police Officer's division. You keep things in check with your officers, and be the powerhouse in the PD!
SWAT General: In charge of the Swat Team Divison. You are the military force of the land. Handle violence with violence, but make sure your troops don't get too carried away!
SWAT Soldier: A grunt underneath the general, who obeys the generals orders and enforces militaristic peace and tranqulity. No wars allowed ya scum!
SWAT Sniper: The sniper rank for the SWAT team. Never hurts to out range an opponent.
Police Medic: The police healer. You can help survivors, but its ideal you stick with your police units.
Heavy Gunner: The big man. They call you when war is breaking out. Join along side the swat team and mow down!

Thief: You survive and THRIVE off of classic raiding, robbery, mugging etc.
Thief Leader: You basically are a gang if you exist. Your thief gang does what the thief job description entails.
Meth Dealer: You cook, AND sell meth on the streets to the crazed meth head. You'll know him when ya see him. Now go make some money illegally!
The Enigma: From our prior server, this is basically a spy job. You are a double agent constantly, who can temporarily disguise as other jobs. It proves to be a good distraction, and a way for you to take resources and more. You are one man hated by all truly.
Pedophile: You uh.. rape and kiss people way too much... Please /advert Rape btw... Thanks.... ew...
Cult Member: Follower of the cult of ____________!
Cult Leader: Leader of the cult of ______________!
Zombie: eugheugheuhguehguhegehhguehguheugheuhguehguh!
Hobo: The poorest and lowest among the society. An alternate cult if you will. That cult being, the cult of the bottom line.
Hobo King: You lead the hobos to salvation. Make the world into scum!
Adolf Hitler: Leader of the powerful Neo-Nazi Regime. All it takes is one strike for facism to rise again like the dark times...
Neo-Nazi Officer: An officer of the Neo-Nazi regime out for the rise of facism!
Neo-Nazi Lieutenant: A man down from Adolf, you seek to build Hitler's vision!
Neo-Nazi Heavy Gunner: Your answers will always be: Facism and lead to democracy!

The only KOS deal we got going goes as follows:
The enigma is KOS by any and all jobs/teams, for he is hated by all
Neo-Nazi's can kill cops on sight
Cops can kill Neo-Nazi's on sight

Some features:
TDM Vehicles/District 9 vehicles with Williams Car Dealer Let us know if there are any TDM cars you want to see!
Robbable bank vault (you must /advert bank raid)
Weapons armory in police department that can be robbed via lockpick (You must /advert armory raid)
We are looking to have boss fights and horde like events. Possible supply drops and other neat things. It will always be a surprise so you never know!
Advanced Oil Mod
Enhanced Meth Labratory
Farm System
Hats Chat
Kprinters (Money Printers)
Party System
Radio/Microphone system
Rprotect, for added base security
Weapon locker for armory
VJ Base Zombie SNPC's(The map is naved, so don't be surprised if you run into these bastards)
Simple Third Person Mod
Media Player
Enterprise ATM system (Robbable atm's btw!)
M9K Weapons along with some other misc's here and there
Handcuffs/Restraints of several different types for the police
AP Anti Prop Kill
And possibly more to come
As stated, this is all about player interaction/roleplaying in general. 

Refer to our suggestion page to give us more suggestions for future content!
Our forum is still very much alive: https://rattleheadroleplay.mistforums.com/forums
Along with our steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/rattleheadrpofficialgroup
AND our discord:
And to view the rules, go to the link provided here OR refer to the MOTD in game by typing !motd: https://rattleheadroleplay.mistforums.com/thread/the-rules-31356

We look forward to seeing you on the server, and lets make 2018 a good year! -Vic

Rattlehead RP is back and not different this time

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Well, about 10 hours from now (iffy estimate), Rattlehead ZombieRP will be back in the works. The Nazi Rp server was experimental, but we felt that we had the best time with ZombieRp. It only took a day to get back to basics, but it was definitely tedious work. I will be posting the official announcement when the server opens, which will describe pretty much the entirety of the server. So get stoked, cause its both the stuff that was beloved before AND a few new things as well. I look forward to bringing entertainment to those who seek it, I am excited. Thank you to all who have bared with my stupidity! -Vic

Rattlehead RP is back.. but different...?

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Yes folks, A new Rattlehead RP has been conceived. WW2 Nazi Rp is what we got. Due to my odd fixation on Nazi history (I am not a facist German Jew Hating disgust of humanity I promise -Vic), I figured why not put it into something constructive. I also owe to this small community, or whomever is left of it. I held out on you guys and never returned you a server for a long time. I wanna try to make up for the lost time if I can. I'll be real, I cannot predict the future, and I hope that this project of madness can be kept. Kitten and I want to extend our deepest gratitude to those who have stuck around. The server is just about done, and we are starting off smaller but with a bigger picture. More focuses on interaction with people. Thats the goal here. And not nearly as outlandish. Now don't get me wrong, this rp is on no level serious nor should it be. I will be posting the new rule board, and don't ask to be admin. We are minimizing staff for the beginning and it will be announced when staff roles come into fruition.Til' then, we got some Nazis Vs Resistance while some citizens jerk off somewhere.. I am going to make a forum about ideas, because the server is not bare bones, but features like a drug dealer are not in the server. Although adding is as easy as a few keystrokes and come ctrl+c and ctrl+v. So if there are features you want to see return, please let me and Kitten know. Making changes is simple. I wanted to try my hand at this server differently. I invested most of my time involved in the technical work because of having a want for perfection. Well after a semester of college and some maturing, I figured I play it a bit easier. While I spent most of the 17th working on this project, it did not take a week of my life to make this project. My prior knowledge and backup files from the last server allowed this shift to be seemingly smooth. That is why it came out of nowhere. That is the little history lesson I will give. The rules will entail all there is to know about this server, so go take a look! ALSO! Big note, we are NOT asking for donations. We have had plenty of help in the past and it would be dumb to ask you guys for more. We appreciate you playing on the server and that is all we ask. If you ever decided to donate, rest assured it would be put ONLY into the server. You can trust us there, but I doubt such a case will happen. There are no vip jobs or special extra perks. This is about the experiences and stupidity within our server. Lets have some fun!

Rattlehead RP's Official End is arriving

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Some good laughs, and time have been shared among each and every player on RattleheadRP. Unfortunately, RattleheadRP is closing on May 5th, for we will be out of money. It is ending because Vic(the person writing this) is moving on from video games for the most part. Its a painfully long story, which I will spare the details on, but I am ready to proceed into other things within my life. This server has brought me so much joy and I do not regret a second of the work I pumped into it. I gained exerience, knowledge and friends because of this server and steam itself. This was my life for a time, and I am glad it was. I learned goods and bads about myself. Enough about me, point is it is ending. I am sorry it is, but life goes on. This group will remain up in memoriam, and my staff will always be around for some gaming. We all wish the best to all, and we hope you all strive to great things! Thank you all! -Vic and the Rattlers

The Prison Break Update!

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I know barely any time has pasted since the COPS VS NAZIS Update but I got some new content for you!

For those who are not aware, we are on a new map called rp_afterrevenant. It is a remake of the map gm_aftermath_v1_0 blah blah blah. Go search those maps and give them a thumbs up for the amazement they have brought thus far! This rp_afterrevenant is custom made also on the workshop, show that guy some love as well. With this updated map, there is a Military base with a prison and the works! Here is what we got to pump in: 

New /adverts!

/advert Prison Break: This advert is to be made by either a prisoner or master thief/breakout artist job. The goal is to break out prisoners and get them the hell away from the police. Only Master Thieves/Breakout Artists are allowed to do this UNLESS THE PRISONER ESCAPES HIMSELF! ANY ESCAPED PRISONER MUST ADVERT THIS! This line of text will be going into the rules section.

/advert Invasion: This advert can only be used by nazis directly. This advert will give the nazis a chance to completely take over the military base. The nazis may only invade if a hitler is present on the server. If no cops are present, an invasion advert must be made but you will automatically win. You may invite anyone except cops into your compound as long as they consent. Of course though, you are nazis, recruiting is always an option. Cops must /advert Counter invasion to take back their compound. 

/advert ATM ROBBERY!: This advert is the advert you must use when breaking into an ATM. Pretty self explanatory.

Please ask any questions relating to these new adverts, now for jobs:
A fockin dog!: Thats right, we have a pets mod now.... You can be a dog... Bork!
Dog Owner: You own and train the dog at your own will. Big smoke is in charge of this so meme it up!
The Government Witness: A person who is like a jehovas witness, except this person goes around recruiting people for government type jobs. Pro trump, pro government extremist. But semi passive at the same time.

Yoda the Dog: Its a VIP reskin for the dog. Its yoda instead... KITTENS IDEA NOT VICS!

Civil Protection:
Warden: You run the prison, make sure prisoners stay in line! No remorse.....

The Ugly:
Prisoner: All rights have been stripped from you. You must break out with pure skill. Or rely on a Master Thief/Breakout Artist.
Master Thief/Breakout Artist: Yes this is on job, he specializes in stealing peoples shit and breaking people out from shit. He is the prison breaker, be careful with him, hes fragile.
Zombified Corrupt Cop: A cop of pure corruption from the apocalypse. Hes got a cute hat though, so hes cool.

New features besides this: 

A secret passage into the prison has revealed itself!
Police Spawn Points have been set to civilian spawn points to allow easier invasions.
Users now drop 10,000 bucks on death, for money is already easy enough to make, lets even the odds
Warrant timer, wanted timer and salary timer have all increased. 
Users now drop their weapon upon death, even if it is a phys gun or something. It makes it so your purchases were not in vein. 
Police Sharpshooter has been nerfed, giving the job only one sniper rifle instead of 3 op ones. No more auto sniper.
A new ATM system has been added, store some cash and take some loans. Or rob some ATMs idk.
Gave most classes that can raid, ATM Crowbars to rob atms.
Cops cannot arrest cops anymore. Never made sense to begin with.

If I forgot anything let me know! Enjoy the new update!

COPS VS. NAZIS Day 2 update

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COPS VS. NAZIS Day 2 update

Added two jobs

Police Warrant Expert: This officer's job is to get into a house using a door charge rather than a battering ram. It proves to be much more effective.
Men Of Treason Door Buster: This job is the same as the Police Warrant Expert except it is used on raids. The rules around this job is that there has to be a nazi leader(Hitler) and you have to be assisting in Men Of Treason raids only. No other raids are allowed, and you are not allowed to raid by yourself.

Removed: Cocaine from the drug dealer. The drugz mod made it to where those who consume cocaine go faster than the speed of light. I only just realized that it was extremely overpowered when you try to raid someone. It is an unfair advantage that should have been seen so long ago. Sorry if it ruins anys fun, but it cannot be just one person having fun. 
 -Removed rights to some tools such as trails, dynamite, ammo crate and a few more. 

Added: The door charge. While it can only be used on two jobs right now, it adds a whole new element to the way raids/warrants go.
 -Added some asthetics like more watch towers, a bunch of huts in the one odd corner of the map and the nazi shrine. Find them on your own volition!
 -Added item storage crates to the entities buy menu on the F4 menu. These crates are part of the new inventory mod, but I never got to adding them in the last update.
 -Added an emplacement machine gun to the entities shop in the F4 menu. A mounted machine gun great for defending bases from hordes of zombies. Only one can be bought at a time.
 -Added larger bundles of ammo to the f4 menu. They are pricier, but you get more ammo at once than you would by the regular bundles.
 -Added new cores to the VIP area! Wheatley, Rick, and fact core! Now as VIP you can purchase more unique buddies to talk to!
 -Added the terrifying "Friendly Keemstar Gnome" to VIP shop. This little buddy is a nice set piece but make no mistakes, for he will stab you in the back.
 -Added Ammo Crates to PD and a pistol ammo crates at spawn. 
 -Added Media Player for VIPs only 
Fixed some of the new jobs not having the riot shield.

Reminder: The new jobs like the Police Medic and the Armed Survivor have multiple playermodels. Use the arrows where the get job button is to take a glance at the couple different models!


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Men of Treason jobs!

Men Of Treason Follower: Is passive, but spreads the word of Hitler everywhere he goes! Even over the radio!
Men Of Treason Commander: A new, higher rank in the Men of Treason army. Make the leader proud as you lead your soldiers!
Men Of Treason HAZMAT: A soldier that specializes in flames and nerve gas. He is restricted on cash and some abilities, but he is still a good crowd control artist. This job is not allowed to rob bank or raid bases by itself. It can help assist, but if the encounter is unfair, the player will be punished accordingly.

Police Sharpshooter: A specialized cop job that is all about the sniping aspects. This class is sleek, a cool.
Police Medic: This job specializes in healing fellow officers. With the new revive tool, teammates can be brought back for assistance!
Military Grunt: Newest to the Military side of the PD. We already have the General and Heavy Soldier, so now we have the lowest part of the food chain. These grunts are missioned to go out and take care of whatever the general orders! MOVE OUT SOLDIER!

Armed Survivor: A new civilian class that allows people to take a route of a survivor. Choose your adventure as long as you ain't being a minge!
Security Guard: A guard for hire or guard of safe zones. Thats it for him, hes a nice guy, not a cop though.
Watchtower Sniper: Another type of guard except this guard utilizes the lovely watchtowers around the desert. This guard is especially trained in sniping.


Added the Revive kit to the Doctor and Police Medic class. Now players can be revived when they have fallen.

Added Police items to the Heavy Soldier and General class (Cuffs, batons etc.)

Removed the bow from the store due to the overpowered nature it has produced. It however still can be found with the Daryl Dixon class.

Personal Radio is now buyable on the weapons shop under "Other Weapons"

Restricted Particular Tools because of "exploitive" or "unfair" advantages/disadvantages.

New Rule: Cops can Kill Men of Treason on sight, Men of Treason can kill Cops on sight. 

New Rule: VIP jobs are not allowed to raid, and VIP jobs with heavy amounts of VIP only weapons are not allowed to purge.

That is all for now, stay tuned for the two new jobs we will be adding within the following day(s).


The Oddball Update

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Got quite some odd additions to this update. New mechanics along with a few new content features! 

New jobs include:

The Gnome Grunt

(Thats it for player jobs)


Some new mechanics/scripts have been added!

-A walkie talkie system has been added, now you can communicate with people remotely depending on your job. Cops, some bad guys and some other odd jobs have access to this tool. It could become its own thing on the shop, but we will see.

-A kissing function! I(Vic) have found a mod where you can kiss people. I gave it to some jobs that I think deserved to get some. You are welcome. Its fucking awkward btw

-Money pallet! What the money pallet does is store money that you drop with /dropmoney (amount). You take the dropped money and put it in the pallet for safe keeping. Keep it hidden however, for people could steal from it. The more cash you add, the more the pallet looks like its fucking loaded! :D

-Added a riot shield for all of the cop jobs. This shield can resist only bullet damage. Thats right, a free ticket outta being shot!

-Ban hammer for all staff, for the unfixable players out there.

-A bow was added to shipments. Yeah, a compound bow thats op. Go buy that. 

-A new inventory system has been added. Trading I believe is possible among other things. It is now called "inventory pickup" instead of inventory on your weapon scroll under 2.

Now inventory will be much better and kidnapping will be as well! Further ellaboration on this mod will be done as soon as possible!

-New npcs are roaming the map! Fallout npcs to be exact. See if you can find them! 

-Added some new asthetics to the map such as guard towers and stuff. Look for that stuff! Good for temporary basing!

-Fixed some Fastdl issues among other small things that were touched upon before this update was even thought of. 


Rattlehead Rp is back up!

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Come Join!


We will be coming back! However...

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Hey all, I told you we would come back on some level. So our current issue is funding to tell you all the truth. If you want the process of the server reconstruction to speed up, MAKE DONATIONS! We need em'. I will eventually establish the cash to remake the server, all I need is 15 bucks and some time. We hope to make our return strong, and much better this time. Let me know or Kitten know if you have any questions! And this part is from vic. I am aware of my squandering with funds in the past, and I write this btw. I should be the last person asking, but the truth is I need you guys. The community does. We want to continue something that didn't need to stop. We would like to send our deepest apologies to everyone. I even include the person we had a security issue with. I will not name you for confidentiality purposes, but we are sorry for our misguided behavior. We wish to let bygones be bygones and move on. We want to run a healthy server that is based on fun and no bullshit. A main objective I am going to create is the objective of improvement. I feel as if I (Vic) have made several mistakes and that there are things to fix. I want to manage a community again, and I feel up to the task. So does kitten. We want you to be ready for us. We hope you forgive the misteps, and we promise to make things better again. When the server is up, it will be largely announced. Thank you all for the support. It means more than you know! :)

Small Change

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The TF2 server is an idea that got thrown into deep space to where it is uncertain whether or not it will even happen. For I (Vic) lack the means to do it. Which leads us to a further conflict of the Gmod server. It will most likely be, as stated a bit til we get rolling again. However, this financial issue can extend the process of trying to get things back in order. In the meantime, lets keep our fingers crossed.

We are taking a long break

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Hey all, this message hales from Kitten and Vic. We want to inform the community that RattleheadRP is going to be on hiatus. We are having trouble getting back into the swing of things due to our security setback not too long ago, and we have decided since TF2 is so addicitng, that we are to hold a server there for the time being. Gonna take a few days for us to construct (maybe not) this and we want to base the server around the following: Regular gamemodes, and fun gamemodes. So in that, we are gonna try our very best to make a fun tf2 server. In the meantime, we have all files, jobs, ranks etc. backed up from the prior server with minor exceptions. Will take not much time to remake the gmod server, so stay tuned. When the TF2 server is released we will be making an announcement. Apologies my friends and other allies for this sader news, but we ain't dead. We are just making a large scale event of sorts in different territory. TF2 or team fortress 2 is free to play, so go get it if you do not have it already. Thank you all for all the support!

Kitten and Vic. 

We are taking a ten day break.

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Hello all. I apologize for having to let everyone know that we need a ten day break to recollect. We had a security issue and it threw us for a loop. I will take full responsibility for letting it happen whether you argue or not. I will not go into details for, it is simply uneccessary here. Thank you all so much for playing when you can and will see you in ten days (or possibly sooner, depends on how we feel).

The Walking Dead Update!

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Thanks to lovely creators of the steam workshop, we can finally incorporate more player oriented zombie play!

This is essentially a content update only. Bug update will come post if any are found, and usually those are not posted.

New jobs!
Category: The Group
An elite survivalist group of badasses out for zombies and the blood of criminals. These tough survivors take no shit.
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon

and of course their number one enemy who is now an exclusive vip job....

NEGAN HIMSELF! Unfortunately no lucille bat exists so we had to compensate with nesses bat which does massive amounts of damage. So Merry Christmas late my donors!

Added zombie/walkers for playable jobs! Thats fucking right my friends! There are zombies with unique abilities and qualities!
Fresh Walker
Fast Walker
Fatass Walker
Burn Walker
Stalker Walker
Basher Walker

The Tickle Monster
The Flesh Pounder
and Nightmare!

Another small edition is that all classes except the walker classes have slappers. You can smack people now. So its pretty funny. Idk random thing lol. 

That is it for this update, next update we will focus more on functions and scripts. So stay tuned! Enjoy!

Rattlehead ZombieRP is back!

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We now bring you the original roots of rattlehead rp! ZombieRP!! While we had our silly ventures on the venator ship, in bangclaw city, and downtown we need to go back to our roots. We will now continue with zombierp like rattlehead rp originally promised with better scripts and features than ever before! Let us know what you think :3 Thank you and have a good one!

Going back to the old days... but better!

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Hello all, Vic posting a thread here. With a couple community members and discussion between kitten and I we have determined to bring RattleheadRP back to its roots. We started off in ZombieRP after my rage at a server that had questionable rules and it birthed rattlehead zombie rp in that anger. I truly miss it and am willing to put the effort in to remake it but with new features and all in all better. Stay tuned for when Rattlehead Zombie Rp opens! Thank you! 

UPDATE: Hangar 18 Part 2: The Empire Invasion

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Well shit. Every single one of us got blinded and thrown onto an imperial star destroyer. Star wars came to us I guess. So now you either join to get us back home, or you detain us into staying on this ship!
This event will remain active until January 10th. This update/Even thing includes the following:

Stormtrooper Job
Star Wars Space Ships
On a new map called rp_venator_v2 which is essentially an awesome star destroyer esque map. 
Darth Vader Job
Kylo Ren Job
Emperor Palpatine Job
Jedi Trooper Job
Luke Skywalker Job
Boba Fett Job 
Judge yoda now has a light saber
Star wars light sabers
Apache Attack Helicopter Model for cult leader
And many other features til' january 11th! 

have fun!

UPDATE: Hangar 18 has arrived!

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One of our stranger content updates. Sort of a new years surprise really! 

Hangar 18 was located in an unknown region in Bangclaw desert. Somehow, some way the aliens busted out and called their friends to party in the nearby city/county of Rattlehead. President Donald Trump does not approve of such a disgusting display of illegal aliens, to where he has decided to personally hire Special Operations troopers to maintain a fight against these aliens. Unfortunately, everyone has found out that the invasion kinda took over the city but not in the way they expected. Aliens are chill with everyone except the government. Revenge against those horrid experiments I guess. Pick up a laser rifle, or get off your ships cause its time for UPDATE: Hangar 18!

New shit:
-Added an Alien Job
-Added a Spec Ops Hangar 18 Trooper Job
-Added the "Airwatch" mod to the server. This includes a buyable helicopter for the cops, and two buyable ships for the aliens! These are under entities, and are rather pricy so just be ready to throw some rp money at the wall!
-Added unique weapons to the alien and spec ops jobs that no other job can use
-Added ufo props and a few other cosmetic things around the map to give it the perfect feel.
-Added a feature for aliens which allows you to do /advert Abduction and capture people in rope restraints and do what you will with them
-Added 2 new vip jobs!
 -Judas: Unfortunately, the meaning of this job can only be decrypted in Garry's Mod. You find out what "this" is. 

Minor improvements:

Added a nicer chatbox (had before this update)
Added a very good car dealer script (had before this update)
Finally fixed the problem where gas pumps would not save
Replaced AK-47 with an m16a2 for the border patrolmen. (had before this update)
Removed the christmas props
Synced fastdl (of course)

Thats it for now! Reply for any features you wanna see in the future!

Merry Christmas from Kitten and Vic!

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Hey everybody, Vic and Kitten here wishing you a Merry Christmas. If you are jewish or african or whatever happy kwanza and hanukah because I am totally the first to be PC TOTALLY! (jk mexicans) <3. Regardless, I am announcing that RattleheadRP will close for the holiday for not only obvious reasons, but to represent that no matter who or what you are, I give a damn about how you spend your holiday. In my belief, anything is better than spending it on here. Some may argue which is fine but it is my personal belief per say. Either way, enjoy your holiday events and pleasures my friends and family. Merry Christmas from Vic and Kitten :)

Now accepting staff applications!

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We are now accepting staff applications @ http://rattleheadroleplay.mistforums.com/thread/guidelines-for-applicants-36436

Become an admin is a long process. So don't expect this to be easy kiddos. Have a great night!

The Bangclaw Update!

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This is the bangclaw update! The big major change is finally settling down into a nicer map know as rp_bangclaw. Requires CS:S textures/content btw.


-Added a mexican border
-Added the job "Border Patrolmen"
-Added the job "Mexican"
-Added the job "Judge Yoda"
-Added the job "Meeseeks Juror"
-Added the job "Lawyer"
-Added the job "Cult Member"
-Added the job "Cult Leader"
-Added the job "Radio Host"
-Added a pointshop
-Added HL2 ammo types for non-FAS weapons
-Added hand cuffs/ties for police and the cult (advert kidnap is now allowed as the cult)
-Added two cop cars to the dealer, you can buy police vehicles as any class too
-Added Microphone and Radio for radio show host! (Mic is only allowed for the host, but the radio is purchasable in the entities menu!

Other Changes:
-Toned down the Postal Dude vip job
-Removed Master Chief VIP job
-Removed the meeseek gangster and the gangster leader due to over saturation and wasted space
-Increase purge time, and time until purge
-Server job rules and regular rules have been put onto one thread which is within the !motd
-Removed the movie theater vip feature

And thats it! This bangclaw update is going to possibly be the last update excluding bug fixes for awhile! Reply any questions you have below! Thank you!


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I am just about to work on the newest change in the server! Downtown is such a common map and it gets boring and we have found a favorite map that has seen a decline in the last few years. We trust you will love what it has to offer! We will leave it a surprise until launch! Stay tuned!

The Christmas Update!

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Hey all! The Christmas update has arrived! Bringing some features that are here to stay, and some temporary features that get you in the holiday spirit! One major change is our map! Not only it sports two new apartments but it has christmas splattered everywhere! Its lovely! Map is rp_downtown_v4c_thehighway
 -Removed voting for particular jobs to allow more accessibility to better options
 -Added a Terrorist job. You can do /advert ALLAHU SNACKBAR to use your jihad to blow people up. There is a 12 minute cooldown after doing it once. Don't violate the rule. You can advert "terror" and kill 5 random people. This has a 20 minute cooldown.
 -Added Vape Shop Owner: You can sell vapes to the lovely people of the city. Hell, you can get wasted on your own vape if you really want to.
 -Added a Santa job for VIPs: Be santa and spread joy and give gifts and stuff idk some politically correct bs you know.(THIS JOB IS LIMITED TIME)
 -Added Michael Myers to VIPs: You can now go around murdering people with knives. YAY!
 -Added Vic and Kitten's Custom Jobs: These are exclusive to them. This will aid in making events and such, so stay tuned!
 -Added a few weapons to each job. See if you can find em', a Christmas scavenger hunt if you will.

Weapons, Entities, Scripts OH MY!!
 -Added an official admin warning system. When you break a rule hard enough you will be kicked with a warning message. So watch what you are doing people!
 -Added CS:GO knives and threw them into some classes. No buyable cs:go knives yet. Throwing a dig at another RP CS:GO community. Love you guys :3
 -Added some L4D2 Weapons to some classes, will be official if requested in a future update. Some weps from the pack are scattered about the classes.
 -Removed Daedrics Meth system, for it served no use with the current drug mod on the server. Plus it was buggy as hell.
 -Added the Doom 3 Super Shotgun to the VIP weapon store

Other additions:
Added a few reindeer silouettes

Thats it for now, enjoy folks! Merry Christmas!

Day 2 Bug Update

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Hello all! Day 2 has arrived bringing a nice mini bug fix update. Here you go:

-Update the freerunner job to VIP considering the abilities and powers that can be achieved with it, like exploits for example.
-Fixed an exploit where freerunners could get into a restricted area for admins and events.
-Fixed the bank vault to allow thieves to be able to rob it
-Changed the amount of players needed on the server to do a bank robbery. The value has changed from 10 players to 5 players. 3 cops required.
-Updated a few default jobs, threw them in the custom jobs lua file so cooler edits could be made.
-Fixed police officer, medic, mayor, and hobo being set to their darkrp defaults.

Next update will include:
-Disabling voting for specific jobs
and a possible q and a about the christmas update. That update will drop within the next week.

Server is now officially open!

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Come join!


Welcome to Rattlehead RP where our main priority is fun.

JUST HAVE FUN FOR US. We leech of your happiness.

Welcome, please read this.

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Hey, my name is RayChamp, the developer of MistForums. Please be sure to post in the suggestions / bug reports on mistchat.com Your feedback is always welcome. Thanks, enjoy your new forum!